Saturday, 2 December 2006

P.K. Page profiled

At ninety years old, P.K. Page is still going strong. In this piece from The Goldstream News Gazette she has a few things to say about global warming and the neurology of creative practice.

“I think I have been influenced if not conditioned by left-hemisphere culture – a rational culture which we live in, linear,” she says. “When I was young I hadn’t been conditioned by that because I was young. I hadn’t been exposed to it that much and it may not have been quite as rational. And I don’t mean that it was irrational.”

“When I was young, my poetry came out in sort of uncontrollable images,” she continues. “I think it was mostly out of my right hemisphere that I wrote. Not entirely, of course, because language is in your left hemisphere. But nevertheless I think my right hemisphere was the driver and my left hemisphere just took the dictation and wrote it down.”

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