Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Town Crier covers the Buckrider launch

Well, we launched my new imprint, Buckrider Books, with Wolsak & Wynn last week at the Gladstone Ballroom. The Town Crier's Kris Bone was there to cover the event. Here are some highlights:

On Erina Harris and The Stag Head Spoke

"Harris’s poetry was haunting and highly refined. Drawing on the traditions of a wide variety of forms (such as the sonnet and the fairy tale) to explore rhyme in new ways, Harris has created an atmospheric set of poems, delivered in an even yet ethereal tone."

On David James Brock and Everyone Is CO2:

"An expert combination of smart, snappy phrasing and interesting, offbeat subject matter made his poems exciting to listen to. Brock’s work continues to mutate and evolve, comfortable spanning multiple genres and conceptual divides as he moves into his first full-length publication, with his poetry stronger, stranger, and more fearless than anything we’ve seen from him yet."

On D. D. Miller and David Foster Wallace Ruined My Suicide and Other Stories

"Funny and well-paced, it marks a welcome addition to Toronto’s wealth of short fiction collections."

You can read the entire piece here.