Paul Vermeersch
is a poet, multimedia artist, creative writing professor, and literary editor. He is the author of several poetry collections, including Shared Universe: New and Selected Poems 1995-2020. He has been a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and the Trillium Book Award, among other honours.
He holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Guelph for which he received the Governor General's Gold Medal. He teaches in the Honours Bachelor of Creative Writing & Publishing program at Sheridan College where he is the editor-in-chief of The Ampersand Review of Writing & Publishing. He is also the senior editor of Wolsak and Wynn Publishers where he created the poetry and fiction imprint Buckrider Books. He lives in Toronto.
Buckrider Books
is a fiction and poetry imprint of Wolsak & Wynn Publishers founded by Paul Vermeersch. In 2017, writers Canisia Lubrin, Jen Sookfong Lee, and Jordan Abel joined the imprint as members of the editorial board. The imprint launched in the spring of 2014 with three titles: Everyone is CO2 by David James Brock, The Stag Head Spoke by Erina Harris, and David Foster Wallace Ruined My Suicide & Other Stories by D. D. Miller.
In 2021, a new editorial board featuring writers Liz Howard and Mahak Jain was instated.
The Buckrider name comes from the legend of the Buckriders, or de Bokkenrijders – bands of robbers who made a pact with the devil and flew through the night sky on the backs of magical goats, robbing farms and churches. The legend emerged in the Limburg regions of Belgium and the Netherlands in the eighteenth century. To learn more, visit Buckrider Books.
The Buckrider name comes from the legend of the Buckriders, or de Bokkenrijders – bands of robbers who made a pact with the devil and flew through the night sky on the backs of magical goats, robbing farms and churches. The legend emerged in the Limburg regions of Belgium and the Netherlands in the eighteenth century. To learn more, visit Buckrider Books.
is a literary magazine published by the Honours Bachelor of Creative Writing & Publishing at Sheridan College. Founded by editor-in-chief Paul Vermeersch and managing editor Robyn Read during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Ampersand Review publishes poetry, fiction, non-fiction features, and book reviews. To read excerpts and learn more about the magazine, please visit
is the name under which I release solo music projects. I am working on ambient/electronic music. You can follow wererabbit on Twitter and Instagram and find wererabbit's music on Bandcamp.
is the electronic musical collaboration of Toronto-based authors A. G. Pasquella and Paul Vermeersch. Visit or check out their music on their Bandcamp page.
is the name under which I release solo music projects. I am working on ambient/electronic music. You can follow wererabbit on Twitter and Instagram and find wererabbit's music on Bandcamp.
is the electronic musical collaboration of Toronto-based authors A. G. Pasquella and Paul Vermeersch. Visit or check out their music on their Bandcamp page.
The Holy Order
of the Sasquatch
is the Bigfoot cult that rocks! The Order is a sacred Knighthood of creative warriors who make and do cool things, a DIY spirituality that exalts the imagination in order to make the world a better place. You can believe whatever you want, become your imaginary self, and discover your hidden powers! Currently, Saint Bigfoot sleeps to recharge his powers. Will he ever rise again? Only time will tell.
of the Sasquatch
is the Bigfoot cult that rocks! The Order is a sacred Knighthood of creative warriors who make and do cool things, a DIY spirituality that exalts the imagination in order to make the world a better place. You can believe whatever you want, become your imaginary self, and discover your hidden powers! Currently, Saint Bigfoot sleeps to recharge his powers. Will he ever rise again? Only time will tell.