Monday, 20 April 2015

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Rob Taylor of PRISM International interviews me about Don't Let It End Like This...

PRISM's poetry editor Rob Taylor recently interviewed me about my new book. Here's a bit from Taylor's introduction:

Goodness, it’s quite a book. Apocalyptic in its concerns, Don’t Let It End…gets at its big questions through poems written within various formal restraints (glosas, erasure poems, found poems, and more). 
The biggest of its questions, though, seems to originate outside the book itself. In the Ted Hughes poem “Gog“, which inspires the opening section of Don’t Let It End…, the speaker asks, “What was my error?” Vermeersch’s book takes off from that moment, that question: the error committed, the apocalypse upon us (or, at least, inevitable). Throughout Don’t Let It End…we are always looking back, probing, searching, for the root cause of the mistake. 
The answer seems to come a few lines later in “Gog”:“I do not look at the rocks and trees, I am frightened of what they see” 
The error was made because we were too afraid to look at the world, and at what we were doing. But now, Vermeersch insists, he will look, and we are invited to look with him. To sift through the rubble and see the error that was there all along.
Read the entire interview here

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

No Ceremony: An Art Show

I'll be included in a group art show at Milk Glass Gallery opening April 30th and running until May 3rd. It's a short run, so mark your calendars. I'm joining artists Kimikimo, Justin Peroff, Talwst, and Hieram in this show, for an eclectic, energetic, non-themed exhibition.

Music for the opening night will be courtesy of Brendan Canning.

RSVP via Facebook.