A top ten of sorts. In alphabetical order by title:
Campfire Radio Rhapsody by Robert Earl Stewart (Mansfield Press).
Earworm by Nick Thran (Nightwood Editions).
Folk by Jacob McArthur Mooney (McClelland & Stewart).
Gift Horse by Mark Calanan (Signal Poetry/Vehicule).
L'il Bastard by David McGimpsey (Coach House Books).
Methodist Hatchet by Ken Babstock (House of Anansi Press).
Post-Apothecary by Sandra Ridley (Pedlar Press).
Rebuild by Sachiko Murakami (Talonbooks).
The Shining Material by Aisha Sasha John (BookThug).
Winter Cranes by Chris Banks (ECW Press).
Of course, to avoid any conflict, this list excludes any books for which I was the editor, all of which have my total recommendation. These books are:
Grunt of the Minotaur by Robin Richardson,
Love Figures by Sam Cheuk, and
Dance, Monster! by Stan Rogal.
Now, these lists are always somewhat arbitrary, and if pressed on another day, in another mood, I might have made an argument for other books; Gabe Foreman, Linda Besner, Helen Guri, Phil Hall, Leigh Nash, Matt Rader, Leigh Kotsilidis and many other people published books in the last 12 months that I absolutely loved. 2011 was one of the strongest years for Canadian Poetry in a long time, with so many wonderful books it is impossible for short lists to do them all justice.
I'm looking forward to 2012, with more great Canadian poetry books on the way!