Monday, 22 June 2020

The final dust jacket

The final piece of a very long puzzle: the full dust jacket is all approved, and I am told the book will be heading off to the printer this week in time for its September release. I'm looking forward to you all being able to read it.

For more information, or to pre-oder Shared Universe, click here.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The Quarantine Review is out now!

I was happy to contribute my poem "Liturgy for the Formal Exoneration of the Serpent in Genesis" (which will also be in my forthcoming book Shared Universe: New and Selected Poems 1995-2020) to the debut issue of The Quarantine Review. This is a new literary journal edited by novelist J. J. Dupuis and ROM editor Sheeza Sarfraz. Proceeds from each issue will go to a different charity. For more information, or to download the first issue, click on the link or image below: