Wednesday, 18 October 2017

An Epitaph for Gord Downie

Through the chorus of our country the cancer cells crept
until the day that the Prime Minister wept.
Now we listen to the lyrics in our backyards and bars,
and say goodbye to the man who walks among the stars.

1964 - 2017

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Three poems in Periódico de Poesía

Three poems from my forthcoming book of poetry Self-Defence for the Brave and Happy (ECW Press, Fall 2018) have been published in Mexico's Periódico de Poesía. "Grendel's Mother," "The Modern Novel," and "Standing in front of Antlers Mounted on a Wall" have been translated into Spanish by Helena Moguel Samaniego. Many thanks to Pedro Serrano, editor of Periódico de Poesía.

You can read the poems in English and in Spanish here

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Postmodern Work of Art / Oeuvre d'art postmoderne

I haven't had a lot of time for making visual art this year, and I know that buying art can be expensive, so I have come up with a solution. I have created this no name work of art that is both simple and affordable. Compare other well known artists at more than twice the price! 
Postmodern Work of Art / Oeuvre d'art postmoderne
11" x 14" digital print, 2017

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Short interview about making art and The Holy Order of the Sasquatch

Jowita Bydlowska, author of Drunk Mom and Guy, asked me a few questions about my various art projects, including the Holy Order of the Sasquatch, for her guest column at Open Book. You can read it here.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Three Years of Buckrider Books

It has been three years since Wolsak & Wynn Publishers and I launched the Buckrider Books imprint. Since then, we have published 21 books of poetry and fiction together, and we're growing. Starting next season, we're expanding from three fiction titles per year to four, and we will maintain our poetry program of four titles per year, as well.

Our Toronto spring launch will be May 18 at the Steady Cafe and Bar, starting at 7pm.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Proposed art work: "Frame for Van Gogh's Sunflowers"

I want to make an art piece called "Frame for Van Gogh's Sunflowers." For this peice I will construct a large frame of hot pink vinyl, with polka dots and happy faces on it, at least 22 feet high by 17 feet wide, at the centre of which there will be a space cut out where one of Van Gogh's original sunflower paintings will be placed.

But where am I going to find 374 square feet of hot pink vinyl?