Wednesday, 22 January 2014

It's Hammer Time!

I'm heading to Hamilton, home of the redoubtable publishing house Wolsak & Wynn, for a couple of readings tomorrow.

In the afternoon, I'll be speaking to students and faculty at Redeemer College, and then in the evening, I'll be doing a public reading at Bryan Prince Bookseller, where I'll be joined by Hamilton's own Chris Pannell, author of A Nervous City (W&W 2013). 

The reading will be tomorrow night, January 23, 2014, starting at 7:30pm.

The reading will be at Bryan Prince Bookseller:
1060 King Street West
Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 1L7
Telephone (905)528-4508

Thanks to the Hamilton Poetry Centre for arranging this visit.

See you there!

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