Sunday 21 January 2007

Last Day at Annex Books. Thank you...

Thank you to all those who heard the call and came out to support Annex Books on its last day as an open store. For those who missed the last day, Janet will still be in her store tying up lose ends for a little while and you may still be able to make an appointment to buy books while she's there. After that, it will strictly be an internet operation, so if you missed your chance to browse yesterday, maybe you should give her a call. For Janet's contact info please visit her website.


Anonymous said...

paul--thanks for posting this. i attempted to order "ana historic" from the link you posted. after a quick google, it became apparent that it is cheaper to by the text new. im all for supporting local business etc., but it seems like a self defeating enterprise when her sale prices for used books higher than (i.e. im poor.)
i was happy to locate some vintage capilano review mags though.



Paul Vermeersch said...

How hard did you look for Ana Historic, Asher? As of this morning, Janet has a copy listed for $10(US). That's much cheaper than buying a new edition at retail prices. The other, more expensive, volumes you saw are rare first editions and highly collectible.

There is an unfortunate trend these days coming from "book dump" stores. It's the impression that books have no value. Some people would rather get a good deal on a book they won't read than sit down and read a good book.

Anonymous said...


i admire your support of janet; im just playing satan's advocate. ys, janet's price may be cheaper than buying it new, but if you go to you can find the text in question for 4.90 used and you don't have to get off your ass. (you seem to know all this, but perhaps are being too kind). so i wonder what the answer is for these small shops - whether they should specialize in rare editions etc.

