Lunar Errors

Lunar Errors 


"Day Moon (Waxing Gibbous) in Pixelated Sky"
36"x36", acrylic on canvas, 2022. 

"Digital Moonrise" 24" x 24", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Digital Moonrise #2" 24" x 24", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Moon with Vertical Hold Error" 24" x 24", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Low-Res Moon Ascending" 24" x 24", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Moon with Three Bars" 10" x 10", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Moonrise Converging on Pixelated Sky" 10" x 10", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Moon with Spectrum Error" 10" x 10", acrylic on canvas, 2022. SOLD

"Crescent Moon in Pixelated Sky (study)"
24" x 19", acrylic on paper, 2022.


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