Sunday, 19 January 2025

The Wrong Paintings: July 13, 2024 - January 18, 2025

 I finished three paintings yesterday. This is the third.

"Wrong Direction" -- 24"x18", 
acrylic, graphite and coloured pencils on paper.

This is the 30th painting I've made since July 13th, 2024 on paper (all 24"x18"). I've been calling these "The Wrong Paintings." This project has been an exploration of a looser, more immediate and gestural way of image making. I had felt that the "Pixel Error" paintings I'd been making from 2022-2024 had become somewhat habitual, and restraining, and it was time to change creative directions.

I think "Wrong Direction" is the last of this series of "The Wrong Paintings" for now, and I'm ready to try applying this refreshed skillset on a series of new works. In a lot of ways, this is the kind of gestural and expressive immediacy I've been striving for, and that I want to continue to explore. I've purchased some new paper, a little larger this time, and later this year I will probably try returning to canvas. Evolution requires mutation. Onward.

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