Monday, 22 February 2021

Parallel Careers: a new podcast from The New Quarterly hosted by Claire Tacon

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by the talented Claire Tacon for the new Parallel Careers Podcast from The New Quarterly: Canadian Writers & Writing. And I'm grateful for the music that Amadeo Ventura has written for this episode!

In this episode, I discuss discusses how, to become an artist, you must commit to a life-long process of learning. Here are some time markers for topics in this episode:

00:40 | My recent collection Shared Universe: New and Selected Poems 1995-2020
02:08 | The optimism of the atomic age and our current fixation with dystopia
08:26 | Helping students expand their work past preconceived boundaries of poetic form
11:44 | Ekphrastic poetry and its pitfalls
13:38 | Teaching a course on Self-Publishing at Sheridan College 
17:10 | How literature can help shape the future

Click here to go to the podcast.

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