Friday, 3 April 2009

Mark Medley interviews Stuart Ross for National Poetry Month

Toronto's Stuart Ross has been a fixture in Canadian poetry for decades, and is the author of many, many books of poetry, including (2008),Dead Cars in Managua I Cut My Finger (2007), Hey, Crumbling Balcony! Poems New & Selected (2003), Razovsky at Peace (2001) and Farmer Gloomy's New Hybrid (1999). He's the poetry editor for Mansfield Press, the poetry and fiction editor at This Magazine, and since 1979 Ross has run his own micropress, Proper Tales Press. He also runs poetry "bootcamps" and workshops across the country.

Can you remember the first poem you ever wrote? What was it about?

Don't recall the first poem I ever wrote, but the first I ever sent out for publication went like this: "If you double a bubble / you'd have two bubbles / but this information isn't worth / a pile of rubble." I was about 10 years old. It got rejected.

The rest is here.

Keep checking back. They're doing another one each day. George Murray, Anne Simpson, Zach Wells, and Carolyn Smart so far. Click here for the default page.

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