Monday, 20 October 2008

Poems and Recordings from the 2007 Berlin Poetry Festival, the online companion to Berlin's Literaturwerkstatt, the brains and brawn behind the annual Berlin Poetry Festival, have finally posted the poems and recordings by myself and my fellow Canadian poets, both anglophone and francophone, from last year's festival at the Kulturbrauerei in Berlin. All the poems come complete with audio recordings.

My poems consist of five poems from my book Between the Walls and five new poems. You can read, and listen to, my poems here.

You can also enjoy the poems of Anglophone poets Karen Solie, Ken Babstock, Suzanne Buffam, Tim Lilburn, and Erín Moure, and also of our Francophone compatriots Stéphane Despatie, Hélène Dorion, Louise Dupré, Claude Beausoleil, Marc André Brouillette, and Denise Desautels.

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