Friday 1 August 2008

All Stuart Ross's Goddamn Poetry Books

Canadian literary icon Stuart Ross has decided to read all the poetry books he owns. This might be a first in the history of owning a lot of poetry books, and I might even be inspired to follow suit one day. Stuart will go one step further by blogging about his experiences reading all these books. Here is how Ross explains his new project:

I've got about 1,200 single-author poetry books, not including chapbooks. What I'm going to do here is go through them all and read them, one each day or so, and write about them. Thereby learning how to write about poetry books. And thereby deciding which ones to get rid of, because I'm drowning in books. Oh, also I'll presumably find hundreds of great poems I haven't read before, because I've only read a fraction of the collection.

Tomorrow, I'll read an author whose last name starts with A. On Saturday one whose last name starts with B. And so on. I'll keep cycling through the alphabet, until I've read and written about all my goddamn poetry books.

Or maybe I'll give up after Day 4. We'll soon find out.

And here is where you can find Stuart Ross's new blog.

And here is Bloggamooga, Stuart Ross's general blog about other blogworthy things not related to the aforementioned blog. It's worth dropping in from time to time to see what Ross is up to.

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